Qwell service launches across Devon

Last month, NHS Devon announced the launch of the free, anonymous digital mental health support service Qwell across the Plymouth, Torbay, and wider Devon areas. The service is now available at qwell.io.

Delivered by mental health provider Kooth, Qwell is designed to provide all adults aged 18+ with free, confidential mental health support. The app offers a safe online space to access therapeutic activities and content, including a peer support community, self-help articles, forums, and discussion boards that are moderated by qualified practitioners.

Anyone over the age of 18 living in Plymouth, Torbay, or wider Devon can access support from Qwell without a referral from a health professional. There are no criteria to qualify for support. Children and young adults aged 11 to 18 years across Devon can access the professional support Kooth.com offers for emotional wellbeing and mental health. Both services are designed to work as part of wider mental health services across One Devon.

You can read the full news story about Qwell’s Devon rollout on the One Devon website.


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