Wis£rmoney providing money and debt advice to people living across Devon

Today we would like to share information about Wis£rmoney, a partnership between Somerset-based charity Navigate and North Devon-based charity Encompass South West, which provides advice and support to people across Devon and Somerset who are experiencing (or are at risk of experiencing) poverty, financial hardship, and social/financial exclusion.


The information below is adapted from a promotional flyer published last month across Devon and Somerset:

What is Wis£rmoney?

Free, confidential face-to-face money and debt advice in the client’s home, with a named caseworker, for as long as it takes to reach financial stability. We also help with energy and benefits advice whilst acting as advocates for our clients.

Navigate the Money Maze: Wis£rmoney provides access to this service delivered by Navigate — free, fun, informative sessions for anyone needing help with budgeting, benefits, employment skills, and maximising income support.

Who is the service for?

Wis£rmoney is designed for individuals who:

  • Struggle to use online, telephone, or appointment-based services

  • Struggle to leave the house due to transport costs, rurality, caring responsibilities, or poor physical or mental health

  • Have multiple complex needs

Where is it available?

Wis£rmoney is available across the whole of Somerset, Mid Devon, North Devon, Torridge, and West Devon.

The service is funded by the following organisations:

When is support delivered?

After referral, the Wis£rmoney triage team will make contact with both the client and the referral agent. The client will then either be allocated a caseworker and a home visit arranged, or signposted to an appropriate service for their needs.

Why is this a partnership?

Partnership allows delivery of bespoke services. Wis£rmoney is a formal partnership between Navigate, Encompass South West, and Mind in Somerset working with the statutory and wider voluntary sectors to support the most vulnerable, marginalised, and isolated individuals living within our communities.

How can we help?

  • Make your colleagues aware of Wis£rmoney so that identified individuals can be easily referred.

  • Invite Wis£rmoney to a team meeting if you would like them to explain more.

  • Help Wis£rmoney to connect with other agencies.

  • Host a Navigate the Money Maze session with your clients.

You can also contact the team by emailing enquiries@navigatecharity.org.uk or calling 01823 299 050


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