Feedback from recent HOPE course demonstrates improvements in outlook and confidence

Many of the Recovery Practitioners working within the Devon Mental Health Alliance have experience delivering a course called HOPE: Help Overcoming Problems Effectively. Developed by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, this programme is designed to support individuals to manage their health and wellbeing, aiming to boost self-confidence and resilience, enabling participants to cope better emotionally, psychologically, and practically with their conditions.

Find out more about HOPE on the MyHealth Devon website »

Dee, one of our Recovery Practitioners in the Eastern locality, recently delivered a HOPE course alongside Jeanette Osmond of Volunteering in Health, a charity based in Teignmouth. She has shared word clouds from the beginning and end of the course made up of feedback from participants, which illustrates the impact the sessions can have.

Speaking about the recent 6-week course, Dee comments:

HOPE is a course for people with long-term conditions to find just that — hope. Over the last 6 weeks, I have had the incredible opportunity to work alongside Jeanette Osmond from Volunteering in Health in Teignmouth and want to report in two word clouds the difference from start to finish — the feedback speaks for itself!

The word cloud of feedback from the beginning of the course.

The word cloud of feedback from the end of the course.


Dee continues:

HOPE gives people of all backgrounds a great deal of skills and techniques that can be implemented to help relieve some of the troubles their long-term conditions cause them. Overall, you can see the uplifting differences via the change in words that are demonstrated across these two pictures.

There are three different ways of attending a HOPE course: in-person, virtually over Microsoft Teams, and digitally as a self-guided course. You can find out more about HOPE and sign up for available dates below.


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